
Sam Steele
Founder, Engineer
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, Class of 2021
I've kept aquariums for the majority of my life. I love being able to emulate natural underwater environments filled with plants, invertebrates, fish, and all the micro organisms that make these ecosystems work. After owning aquariums for more than a decade, I've made and seen almost all the mistakes you can make in keeping these living pieces of art. I created Senrium and our first product, the H1, to make everyone a better aquarist and pet owner. Senrium's mission is to offer the best product for the task, and by necessity, at an accessible cost for aquarists of all levels. Since designing and using the H1 myself, I've found that it keeps me from making human mistakes that happen from time to time to anyone who keeps aquariums, and as a result my tanks have all benefitted from the consistent care I've been able to provide.